Winamp for Android Documentation (Winamp For Android 1.4.15)

Winamp for Android™ to najlepszy odtwarzacz multimediów dla systemu Android. Aplikacja pozwala na odtwarzanie, zarządzanie i synchronizację muzyki ze swojego komputera Mac lub PC ze swoim urządzeniem Android. Winamp jest kompletnym rozwiązaniem do zarządzania muzyką, włączając w to bezprzewodową synchronizację z komputerem, import biblioteki iTunes oraz dostęp do tysięcy internetowych stacji radiowych dzięki SHOUTcast. Oficjalna dystrybucja Winampa na platformie Android zawiera mój pakiet lokalizacyjny, który ma status oficjalnego polskiego pakietu językowego. Aplikacja Winamp for Android™ nie jest już rozwijana i nie jest oficjalnie dostępna (została usunięta ze sklepu Google Play). Możesz pobrać jednak ostatnią wersję (wydaną przez Nullsoft/AOL) z sekcji Pobierania.
Trwają prace nad stworzeniem zupełnie nowej aplikacji mobilnej dla systemu Android. Aplikacja ta obecnie jest w fazie zamkniętych testów Beta. Aplikacja oferować ma dostęp do nowej platformy Winamp Player łączącej słuchaczy, twórców oraz fanów (dostępnej online). Nowy odtwarzacz Winamp Player oferuje wszystko, co najlepsze, łącząc usługi przesyłania strumieniowego, podcasty, stacje radiowe, książki audio i pliki do pobrania.

1. Winamp for Android

The Winamp Media Player is available for Windows, Mac (beta), and the Android operating systems. Winamp for Android is available for download from Google Play (formerly the Android Market).

With Winamp for Android, you can easily play, manage and sync music from your Mac or PC to your Android device; offering users a complete music management solution. Other features include free wireless syncing, one-click iTunes library import, free music, premium features and access to over 50,000 internet radio stations with SHOUTcast.

2. Media Sync

You can sync your media from either a PC or Mac through a wired connection or wirelessly.

2.1 Wired

For wired sync, you will need to plug-in your Android device via USB. From the Winamp desktop application, go to the Devices node in the Media Library. Be sure you have enabled the USB mass storage mode on your Android device, which allows you to copy files to/from your computer.

Additionally, the Winamp for Android app offers an optional setting to enable “auto-mount”. Auto-mount will automatically enable the USB mass storage mode.

To activate this setting, go to the Winamp for Android home screen » Menu » Settings and select “Enable auto-mount”. Note: this may temporarily disable other applications from running on your Android device.

2.2 Wireless

With the latest version of Winamp Media Player (PC or Mac) installed on your computer and with Winamp for Android installed on your mobile device, you have the option to sync media over a Wi-Fi network. From the Winamp app home screen go to Menu » Settings and select “Enable wireless sync”. This allows Winamp for Android to connect to Winamp over Wi-Fi.

Before your first wireless sync, you will have to pair your Winamp app with your Winamp desktop application. This occurs prior to the first sync and is not required for subsequent transfers. From the Winamp Media Library on your desktop, go to the Devices node and double click on your device in the “Discovered” view. This will send a notification to your Android device. Once confirmed, your device will appear in the “Attached” view. (Note: after you’ve confirmed the notification, you may have to double-click on the device a second time to attach.)

For users who have used iTunes, the Winamp Media Player (Mac & PC) allows you to easily import your iTunes library and playlists.

3. Persistent Player Controls

The player controls are available from most screens of the Winamp for Android app. They provide consistent and intuitive quick access to play/pause, previous/next song, the play queue, the Now Playing page and one-touch access back to the Home screen. When you first install the application the tutorial page will load to illustrate important features. To access the tutorial at a later date, go to the Home screen » Menu » Settings and select “Winamp In-app Help”. When finished, click the “Continue” button.

4. Now Playing

The Now Playing screen displays valuable song information such as song name, artist name, album name, song length and any available album art. Additionally, the Now Playing screen is a collapsible drawer that allows you to reveal the previous screen.

4.1 Now Playing Screen Actions

  • Grip-the Now Playing bar to easily expand/collapse the Now Playing screen
  • Swipe-left or right to change songs
  • Long Press-to download missing album art and track info (requires Album Washer which is available for purchase in the Winamp In-App Store)
  • Tap-to reveal a secondary menu with additional information and actions
    • Additional metadata (e.g. Album Name)
    • Info icon-artist bio, news, discography, photos & album tracks
    • Extras icon-allows Winamp to interact with other installed applications (device browser, YouTube, Pandora,, etc.)
    • Equalizer icon-10-band graphic EQ, ReplayGain & Crossfading (requires Pro Bundle which is available for purchase in the Winamp In-App Store).
    • Shuffle icon-toggles shuffle on/off
      • The Shuffle icon is also available as an Menu option on most screens
    • Repeat icon-repeat all songs or repeat current song only
  • Notifier pop-up-on track change a notifier box will pop-up giving you additional information about the currently playing song

5. SHOUTcast Radio Directory

Winamp for Android includes over 54,000 streaming internet radio stations with the SHOUTcast Radio Directory. SHOUTcast is available on Android 2.2 devices and above (excluding certain non-compatible devices).

5.1 SHOUTcast Features

  • Featured Stations
    • A list of spotlighted partner stations that are updated with each new release.
  • Top Stations
    • A list of top stations sorted by the number of listeners
    • To change the sort order go to: SHOUTcast » Top Stations » Menu » Sort
      • You have the option to sort by: Number of Listeners, Station Name, Bitrate, descending, Bitrate ascending
  • All Genres
    • Browse for stations by Genres or sub-genres
  • My Favorite Stations
    • A list of your favorite stations
    • To add a station as a “favorite”
      • Long hold on the station name in any list view and select “Add to favorites”
      • Or from the Now Playing screen, tap the screen to reveal the overlay menu and click on the star icon
    • To remove a station as a “favorite”
      • Go to: SHOUTcast » My Favorite Stations » Long Hold on Station Name » Remove from favorites
  • My Recent Stations
    • A list of stations that you recently played
  • Manually Enter Station (only available in the Pro Bundle)
    • Play streaming audio URLs by manually typing the URL or pasting the address
  • Recommended For You (only available in the Pro Bundle)
    • A list of recommended stations based of the music files on your device
  • Search
    • Search for music based on Station Name, Artist Name, Genre or other keywords

6. Winamp In-app Store

The core Winamp for Android application is free. To purchase additional premium features, go to: Winamp Home Screen (v1.3 or higher) » Store. If you’ve do not see the Store button on your Home screen go to: Home Screen » Menu » Store.

7. Pro Bundle (“Winamp Pro” for Android)

The Pro Bundle is a group of premium audio features that are available for purchase directly from the Winamp In-app Store: Winamp for Android (v1.3) » Home Screen » Store » Pro Bundle. Or alternatively you can purchase the “Pro” features as a separate app -- Winamp Pro from Google Play (formerly the Android Market). These two purchase methods: “Pro Bundle” and “Winamp Pro” (for Android) offer the same set of features.

The “Pro” features offer enriched audio, premium features and customization options:

  • 10-band graphic equalizer
  • Customizable home screen
  • Browse by “Folders”
  • Crossfade
  • Gapless playback
  • Support for FLAC playback (in “Folders” view only)
  • ReplayGain
  • Personalized station recommendations
  • Play streaming audio URLs
  • No ads

7.1 Equalizer

Optimize how your audio sounds with the our graphic equalizer. The EQ includes 10 bands, a per-amp setting, 17 EQ Presets (rock, techno, Full Base, etc.), as well as the ability to manually adjust the EQ settings and save your own presets.

7.2 Crossfade

Also available from the Equalizer screen are the Crossfade settings. Crossfading is used by radio and club DJs alike. It allows for seamless transitions between songs: simultaneously fading out the volume of the current song, while fading in the volume of the up-coming song. You can set the Crossfade setting to be anywhere from 0 to 20 seconds.

7.3 ReplayGain Support

If you have the Pro Bundle, Winamp for Android will support ReplayGain calculations. ReplayGain attempts to normalize the volume (or perceived loudness) of audio tracks. To turn on ReplayGain go to Winamp Home Screen » Menu » Setting » ReplayGain. You can also access the ReplayGain settings from the Equalizer screen.

7.4 Customizable Home Screen

The Customize Home Screen feature allows you to rearrange the order of the home screen buttons to fit your needs. You can also add your favorite SHOUTcast station or favorite playlist directly to the home screen.

To customize your home screen go to Winamp Home Screen » Menu » Customize Home. From here you will see a list of all of the home screen buttons as well as all playlists or favorite SHOUTcast stations. Note: to see SHOUTcast stations in this view, you must first have them marked as a “favorite station”.

To rearrange the Home screen buttons, use the grip to the left of the button name and drag it to the desired location. When finished, tap on the Winamp lightning bolt (bottom right-hand corner). This will return you to the Home screen. Only the top 8 items, will be viewable on the home screen. To access the other buttons that are not displayed on the home screen go to Home » Menu » More. From there you can navigate to any of the home screen options.

To restore your default Home screen setting, from the Customize Home view go to: Menu » Restore Default Layout.

You also have the option to edit playlist and SHOUTcast station names. From the Customize Home view, long hold on a playlist or station.

7.5 Browse by Folders

In addition to browsing your music by Artists, Albums, Songs, Genres & Playlists; you can now browse and manage playback directly from your system folders.

To navigate to the “Folders” view go to: Home Screen » Menu » Folders; or you can customize your Home Screen to include the Folder view on your main Home Screen view.

From the “Folders” view you can navigate to specific folders within your Android OS file structure. You also have the option of quickly navigating back to the either the “Root” folder or your “Home” folder by selecting Menu » “Root” or “Home”. To set your “Home” folder, navigate to the desired folder and long hold on the folder. In the pop-up menu select “Set Home”.

7.6 Gapless Playback

With “Pro” we have automatically minimized the silence between songs with Gapless playback. Note: There is no setting to turn Gapless playback on/off.

7.7 FLAC Support

FLAC is high quality audio codec. The term FLAC itself stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec, which means that audio is compressed in FLAC without any loss in quality. For now, the only way to view and play FLAC files in Winamp for Android is by navigating to the file using the browse by “Folders” navigation.

In a future release, we will add support so that you can view FLAC files in the standard views (e.g. Artists, Albums, Songs, etc.).

7.8 Personalized Station Recommendations

To find personalized station recommendations go to: Home » SHOUTcast » Recommended For You. This is a list of stations customized for you based on the music files you have on your Android device.

7.9 Play Streaming Audio URLs

If you are unable to find a particular SHOUTcast station and you know the URL,or if you what to play a particular streaming audio URL go to: Home » SHOUTcast » Manually Enter Station and then type or paste the address.

7.10 No Ads

The free version of Winamp for Android has banner ads on certain screens within the application. For example on SHOUTcast screens as well as Free Music screens (MP3 of the Day, and Spinner). If you purchase the Pro Bundle (or Winamp Pro for Android), you’ll have an ad free experience.

8. Album Washer

The Winamp Album Washer, powered by Gracenote®, allows you to clean-up your audio files. In other words, Album Washer updates your incorrect/missing track info or tags (Artist Name, Track Title, Album Name, etc.) and allows you to download missing album art.

Album Washer is available as an in-app purchase from within the Winamp In-App Store (available in the free or Pro versions of Winamp for Android). To get Album Washer, launch Winamp on your Android device. From the home screen select the “Store”, and then select Album Washer. The in-app purchase transaction will be processed through Google Play (formerly known as Android “Market”). Album Washer is currently limited to the following file formats: AAC, MP3 & FLAC. (Note: FLAC requires Winamp Pro.)

8.1 Using Album Washer

To get started, from the Now Playing screen, long hold on the album art (or the default missing album art image). In the long hold menu, select “Get Album Art & Metadata”. At this point, Album Washer will start analyzing the selected track as well as other tracks from the same album. You will be presented with a list of options for the best possible match. The results will be displayed with the highest confidence matches listed first. These will be flagged with a green icon in the lower right-hand corner. The less confident results will be displayed as well but they will be flagged with a yellow, orange or red icon.

Once you’ve selected the appropriate match, you’ll be presented with a screen that displays all of the associated information about the album you selected:

  • Album Art
    • Current album art compared to the new image
    • Tap on the image to enlarge; tap “X” to close
    • Checkmark next to Album Art on by default. Deselect if you do not want to overwrite current image
  • Album Metadata
    • Artist, Album, & Year
    • Checkmark next to Album Metadata on by default. Deselect if you do not want to overwrite current metadata (tags).
  • Track List
    • List of tracks that Album Washer is going to write to.

Once you’ve reviewed the information you can either click “Apply” or “Cancel”. Please note that the changes will be applied to all tracks displayed in the results “track list”, and not just to the initial track you selected.

In addition to accessing Album Washer from the Now Playing screen, you can also initiate it from several long hold menus by selecting, “Get Album Art & Metadata”:

  • “Songs” view: Home » Songs » Long hold on specific song
  • “Albums” view: Home » Albums » Long hold on specific album
  • “Artists” view: Home » Artists » Specific Artist » Long hold on specific album

9. Free Music

The Winamp for the Android app offers several choices for free legal music. To access Free Music go to Winamp Home » Free Music. From there you have several options that including streaming playback or file download. Check out Free Music often for additional songs, new albums and special offers from our partners.

9.1 Spinner’s MP3 of the Day

With MP3 of the day you have the option to play individual songs from featured artists. You can also choose to download the free MP3 songs individually, or stream them all like a playlist. A new song is added to the list everyday with hundreds of songs to choose from. To download, click on the download arrow from the MP3 of the day song list or from the Now Playing screen.

9.2 Full CD Listening Party

With Full CD Listening Party (or CDLP) you have free access to the hottest new full-length albums (streaming playback only). Each week the list of available albums is refreshed with the latest releases from the most popular artists. Check back weekly to see what new albums releases are available.

10. Playlists

You can sync your favorite playlists from your computer to Winamp for Android, or you can edit or create new ones from your mobile device. To see what playlists you have available, go to Home » Playlist. From the Playlist screen, you will see: Recently added, Recently played, Top Played, as well as any playlist you have synced. From the Playlist screen you can also create new playlists by tapping the Menu button and selecting “Create playlist.”. Once created, navigate to any of the following views: Artists, Albums, Songs, or Genres and long hold on a song. From the pop-up menu, select “Add to playlist”.

11. Play Queue Management

A play queue is a temporary track listing that allows you to easily select and sort tracks. For those already familiar with the Winamp desktop application, the “Playlist Editor” is a play queue. In the Winamp for Android app you can access the play queue from the Player Controls (far left button). From the Play Queue screen, the grips to the left of the track titles allow you to change the sort order.


  • When navigating your media library (Artists, Songs, Albums, etc.), tapping on a single track from an Album view clears the current play queue and populates it with all the tracks from that selection. Playback will start at the particular track you selected.
  • To keep your current Play Queue and add a single track to the end of the queue, long press on that track. From the pop-up menu select Enqueue. This will add the selected track to the bottom of the current play queue. You can also enqueue an entire album or artist by long holding on the album or artist name.
  • To clear the play queue from the play queue screen, select Menu » Clear Play Queue.
  • If you like your queue, you can choose to save it as a playlist – from the play queue screen, select Menu » Save as Playlist.

12. Widget Players & Shortcuts

From the Android OS home screen (not the Winamp for Android home screen), you can create a Widget Player, allowing you instant access to Winamp player controls right on your Android’s home screen. You can even create shortcuts to your favorite Winamp playlists.

  • Widget Player

    Android home screen » long hold on available screen space » select Widget » select either the Winamp 4x1 player (smaller player without album art), or the Winamp 4x2 player (includes album art).

    Note: Winamp for Android 1.3 (and above) supports the “Move to SD Card” functionality. This allows you to move the Winamp apk to your device’s external storage. Please note that your Widgets will no longer work if the Winamp apk has been moved to your device’s external storage.

  • Shortcuts

    Android home screen » long hold on available screen space » select Shortcuts » select one of your Winamp playlists. This will add that playlist to your Android’s home screen.

13. Lock-screen Player

For immediate access to player controls when your Android device is locked, you will need to enable the lock-screen player. The design of the lock-screen player is similar to the Now Playing screen but with limited functionality. It allows you to pause/play or navigate to the next or previous song without having the hassle of unlocking your device. To enable the lock-screen player go to the Winamp home screen: Menu » Settings » Use lock-screen player.

14. Headset Controls

By default, Winamp will respond to headset controls only when Winamp is in focus. To continue to maintain headset controls even when out of focus go to:

Home » Menu » Setting » check the “Control headset” box. Note: If you have multiple applications on your Android device that request headset controls, be sure to adjust the settings of those applications to avoid conflicts.

15. Scrobbling

The Winamp for Android app leverages the native Android broadcast API, allowing the app to broadcast the now playing information to other applications. If you have a account and have installed on your Android device, you can scrobble your mobile listening history in real time. From the Winamp app home screen, go to Menu » Settings » Enable Scrobbling.

16. Search

Winamp for Android allows you to not only browse by Artists, Albums, Songs, Genres or Playlists, but gives you the ability to search for Songs from within the application. There’s also a setting that allows you to include your Winamp media in the global Android search.

To include Winamp media in the global Android search, go to the Winamp app home screen » Menu » Settings » Searchable items » Searchable items » select Winamp in the list of options.

Additionally, Winamp for Android supports Android’s “Listen to” voice action and can be set as the default player that responds to the “Listen to” action.

To set Winamp as the default, activate the voice action by long holding on the Android search icon. Say, “Listen to _____” (artist name, song name, etc.).

From the pop-up menu, place a check next to “Use by default for this action” and then select Winamp.

17. Supported Languages

Winamp for Android now supports 15 languages including: Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Spanish & Turkish. We plan on adding support for additional languages in future releases. For the latest list of available languages go to: Home » Menu » Settings » About and scroll to the bottom of the screen for a complete list.

Note: There is no option in the Winamp application to change languages. Winamp will only be translated into the languages listed above if the Android OS is set to that language.

18. Send Feedback

To send feedback go to: Home » Menu » Settings > Send Feedback. This will open an e-mail pre-populated with device information to help us troubleshoot any issues you may be experiencing.

19. Settings

The Settings page is only accessible from the Winamp for Android home screen. To go to the Winamp home screen (by clicking on the lightening bolt in the play controls) and go to: Menu » Settings.

All Setting Options

  • Enable auto-mount
  • Enable wireless
  • Wi-Fi settings
  • Set Device Name
  • Searchable items
  • Enable Scrobbling
  • Use lock-screen player
  • Control headset
  • Winamp In-app Help
  • Winamp Help Wiki
  • Terms of Service
  • System Info
  • About
  • Send Feedback
  • ReplayGain

20. Winamp For Android FAQ

Please visit the Winamp for Android FAQ for a list of frequently asked questions.