Winamp Icon Packs are a collection of icon libraries that contain a set of predefined icons. This icons are displayed for files with extension that describes file types associated with Winamp. Winamp Icon Libraries looks nice especially in modern Windows operating systems where it is possible to display icons with very big size (256x256px, depends on Windows File Explorer settings).

Icon Pack installer will automatically install the selected icon libraries and configure the system to use chosen icon library as default. You can always change default icon library via the Winamp or WACUP preferences.

I have prepared several icon packs so far. Each of them contains a lot of different icon libraries, which differ in pattern, color or theme. You can download them using the download section of Winamp icon packs or learn more about each of them by clicking the links below.

I prepared many of Winamp Icon Packs but there are also other Icon Packs. There are several of them and it's really worth checking out. Perhaps these are the ones you were looking for!


Winamp is the best, freeware media player that allows you to play most audio formats (including Internet Radio Stations) and video. Winamp works with portable media players, allows you to rip and burn CDs, has a built-in media library, graphic equalizer and visualizations. With the advanced plug-in mechanism, you have the possibility to increase its functionality. Thanks to skins Winamp can look and behave as you like.

To use Winamp Icon Pack, you must have installed Winamp 5.58 (or higher) with the 'Jump to File Extra' plugin (JTFE) or WACUP (which supports Icon Pack functionality out of the box without needing for JTFE plugin).

To change the default icon library in Winamp, open Winamp preferences (Ctrl + P), navigate to the 'Jump to File' > 'Extras' page and select the "Enable 'File Types' preferences page additions" option. To change or select default Winamp Icon Library use dropdown list that contains all installed icon libraries.

Additionally you have to move the 'File Type Icon' & 'Playlist Icon' sliders to bottom. These options can be found on the 'File Types' preference page. On the same preference page you can preview the available custom icons from current icon library shown for files associated with Winamp. You can open any folder in Windows containing Winamp-associated filetypes and see the icon(s) change in real-time.


Changing the default icon library in WACUP looks quite similar to Winamp. To change the default icon library in WACUP, open the WACUP preferences (Ctrl + P), navigate to 'File Types' > 'Associated File(s)' preference page and use dropdown list to choose the desired icon library used to represent the file(s) associated with WACUP from the defaults. You can also find here all other options that allows you to associate WACUP as the default file handler within Windows operating system.

Technical Specifications

Winamp Icon Pack can be a single icon library (with a .dll extension) or an installer, which usually contains several of them (the installer can also perform a number of other useful actions). In Microsoft Windows environment, Dynamic-Link Library are shared libraries that store implementations of various subprograms or resources of application. Subprograms and resources contained in a DLL can be used directly or indirectly (via another DLL) by any executable file. This last property is used in Winamp icon libraries - icons are stored in library resources that are used by Winamp or WACUP.

All icon libraries made by me have been compiled in Microsoft Visual Studio Community (a fully-featured, extensible, free IDE for creating modern applications for Android, iOS, Windows, as well as web applications and cloud services). If you want to prepare your own icon library for Winamp, you can use the following (specially prepared) source files: Winamp Icon Pack Example Library (2.3 MiB) as a basis. The files contain everything you need to build your own dll that you can use in Winamp. Of course, you must edit the appropriate entries and create your own icons.

As already mentioned above, icons are stored in so-called resources of application (or library). So what are resources? Application resources are part of an executable file or DLL library in a Windows environment. Executable files and libraries are divided into 2 segments: code and data (resources). The following elements can be placed in the data (resources) segment:

  • user interface data (size, order, placement, location, etc.):
    • dialog boxes (DIALOG, DIALOGEX)
    • menu (MENU)
  • strings (STRINGTABLE)
  • cursors (CURSOR)
  • icons (ICON)
  • bitmaps (BITMAP)
  • file version information (VERSIONINFO)

The data listed above can be used during application run time using the WinAPI interface. Thanks to resources, the data segment of applications in Windows can be easily modified without the need for decompilation / knowledge of programming languages with special programs, so-called resource editors (Restorator, Resource Hacker, PE Explorer, etc.).

Resources are defined by the resource script (a simple text file with .rc extension). The resource script is compiled with a tool appropriate for the IDE / development toolkit used (resource compiler will generate a .RES file) to combine the compiled resources with application / DLL library source code modules in the consolidation process.

The resources that are used in Winamp icon libraries will be described in detail below. Their description was based on the Azalea Icon Library from the Winamp Icon Pack. Restorator, great resource editor was used to view the icon library resources.

  • String (STRINGTABLE)

Winamp icon library defines 2 strings. The first string (stringID 0) informs the program that we are dealing with an icon library for Winamp. The second string (stringID 1) informs about the name of the icon library and its version. You can find below an example of use and definition in a resource script file.


    0                       "WinampIconLibrary"
    1                       "Azalea Icon Library (1.1)"

  • Icon (ICON)

Winamp icon library currently defines 94 icons that correspond to the most important file extensions associated with Winamp (Winamp supports several hundred file extensions). Each icon consists of 4 icons in the following formats: 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256. They are saved in 32-bit color depth. You can find below an example of use and definition in a resource script file.


IDI_ICON1               ICON                    "ICON\\1.ico"	// AUDIO (Speaker)
IDI_ICON2               ICON                    "ICON\\2.ico"	// AUDIO (Waveform)
IDI_ICON3               ICON                    "ICON\\3.ico"	// VIDEO (Screen)
IDI_ICON4               ICON                    "ICON\\4.ico"	// VIDEO (Film)
IDI_ICON5               ICON                    "ICON\\5.ico"	// MIDI
IDI_ICON6               ICON                    "ICON\\6.ico"	// TRACKER/MOD
IDI_ICON7               ICON                    "ICON\\7.ico"	// CHIP/GAME
IDI_ICON8               ICON                    "ICON\\8.ico"	// PLAYLIST

IDI_ICON9               ICON                    "ICON\\9.ico"	// AAC - Audio
IDI_ICON10              ICON                    "ICON\\10.ico"	// AC3 - Audio
IDI_ICON11              ICON                    "ICON\\11.ico"	// ADX - Audio
IDI_ICON12              ICON                    "ICON\\12.ico"	// AIF - Audio
IDI_ICON13              ICON                    "ICON\\13.ico"	// AIFF - Audio
IDI_ICON14              ICON                    "ICON\\14.ico"	// AMR - Audio
IDI_ICON15              ICON                    "ICON\\15.ico"	// APE - Audio
IDI_ICON16              ICON                    "ICON\\16.ico"	// ASF - Video
IDI_ICON17              ICON                    "ICON\\17.ico"	// ASX - Playlist
IDI_ICON18              ICON                    "ICON\\18.ico"	// AU - Audio
IDI_ICON19              ICON                    "ICON\\19.ico"	// AVI - Video
IDI_ICON20              ICON                    "ICON\\20.ico"	// B4S - Playlist
IDI_ICON21              ICON                    "ICON\\21.ico"	// CDA - Audio
IDI_ICON22              ICON                    "ICON\\22.ico"	// FLA - Audio
IDI_ICON23              ICON                    "ICON\\23.ico"	// FLAC - Audio

IDI_ICON25              ICON                    "ICON\\25.ico"	// GSF - Audio
IDI_ICON26              ICON                    "ICON\\26.ico"	// GVI - Video
IDI_ICON27              ICON                    "ICON\\27.ico"	// GYM - Games
IDI_ICON28              ICON                    "ICON\\28.ico"	// IFF - Audio
IDI_ICON29              ICON                    "ICON\\29.ico"	// IT - Audio
IDI_ICON30              ICON                    "ICON\\30.ico"	// ITZ - Audio
IDI_ICON31              ICON                    "ICON\\31.ico"	// KAR - Audio
IDI_ICON32              ICON                    "ICON\\32.ico"	// M2V - Video
IDI_ICON33              ICON                    "ICON\\33.ico"	// M3U8 - Playlist
IDI_ICON34              ICON                    "ICON\\34.ico"	// M3U - Playlist
IDI_ICON35              ICON                    "ICON\\35.ico"	// M4A - Audio
IDI_ICON36              ICON                    "ICON\\36.ico"	// MID - Audio
IDI_ICON37              ICON                    "ICON\\37.ico"	// MIZ - Audio
IDI_ICON38              ICON                    "ICON\\38.ico"	// MOD - Audio
IDI_ICON39              ICON                    "ICON\\39.ico"	// MOV - Video
IDI_ICON40              ICON                    "ICON\\40.ico"	// MP1 - Audio
IDI_ICON41              ICON                    "ICON\\41.ico"	// MP2 - Audio
IDI_ICON42              ICON                    "ICON\\42.ico"	// MP3 - Audio
IDI_ICON43              ICON                    "ICON\\43.ico"	// MP4 - Video
IDI_ICON44              ICON                    "ICON\\44.ico"	// MPC - Audio
IDI_ICON45              ICON                    "ICON\\45.ico"	// MPG - Video
IDI_ICON46              ICON                    "ICON\\46.ico"	// MTM - Audio
IDI_ICON47              ICON                    "ICON\\47.ico"	// NSA - Audio
IDI_ICON48              ICON                    "ICON\\48.ico"	// NSF - Audio
IDI_ICON49              ICON                    "ICON\\49.ico"	// NSV - Video
IDI_ICON50              ICON                    "ICON\\50.ico"	// OGG - Audio
IDI_ICON51              ICON                    "ICON\\51.ico"	// OGM - Video
IDI_ICON52              ICON                    "ICON\\52.ico"	// OGV - Video
IDI_ICON53              ICON                    "ICON\\53.ico"	// PLS - Playlist
IDI_ICON54              ICON                    "ICON\\54.ico"	// PSF - Games
IDI_ICON55              ICON                    "ICON\\55.ico"	// RMI - Audio
IDI_ICON56              ICON                    "ICON\\56.ico"	// S3M - Audio
IDI_ICON57              ICON                    "ICON\\57.ico"	// S3Z - Audio
IDI_ICON58              ICON                    "ICON\\58.ico"	// SHN - Audio
IDI_ICON59              ICON                    "ICON\\59.ico"	// SID - Games
IDI_ICON60              ICON                    "ICON\\60.ico"	// SND - Audio
IDI_ICON61              ICON                    "ICON\\61.ico"	// STM - Audio
IDI_ICON62              ICON                    "ICON\\62.ico"	// SWF - Video
IDI_ICON63              ICON                    "ICON\\63.ico"	// ULT - Audio
IDI_ICON64              ICON                    "ICON\\64.ico"	// USF - Games
IDI_ICON65              ICON                    "ICON\\65.ico"	// VGM - Games
IDI_ICON66              ICON                    "ICON\\66.ico"	// VOC - Audio
IDI_ICON67              ICON                    "ICON\\67.ico"	// WAV - Audio
IDI_ICON68              ICON                    "ICON\\68.ico"	// WMA - Audio
IDI_ICON69              ICON                    "ICON\\69.ico"	// WMV - Video
IDI_ICON70              ICON                    "ICON\\70.ico"	// WPL - Playlist
IDI_ICON71              ICON                    "ICON\\71.ico"	// WV - Audio
IDI_ICON72              ICON                    "ICON\\72.ico"	// XM - Audio
IDI_ICON73              ICON                    "ICON\\73.ico"	// XSPF - Playlist
IDI_ICON74              ICON                    "ICON\\74.ico"	// WLZ - Language Pack
IDI_ICON75              ICON                    "ICON\\75.ico"	// WSZ - Skin
IDI_ICON76              ICON                    "ICON\\76.ico"	// OGA - Audio
IDI_ICON77              ICON                    "ICON\\77.ico"	// SPC - Games
IDI_ICON78              ICON                    "ICON\\78.ico"	// MKV - Video
IDI_ICON79              ICON                    "ICON\\79.ico"	// FLV - Video
IDI_ICON80              ICON                    "ICON\\80.ico"	// M4V - Video
IDI_ICON81              ICON                    "ICON\\81.ico"	// DIVX - Video
IDI_ICON82              ICON                    "ICON\\82.ico"	// XVID - Video
IDI_ICON83              ICON                    "ICON\\83.ico"	// 3GP - Video
IDI_ICON84              ICON                    "ICON\\84.ico"	// QSF - Audio
IDI_ICON85              ICON                    "ICON\\85.ico"	// AUD - Audio
IDI_ICON86              ICON                    "ICON\\86.ico"	// TTA - Audio
IDI_ICON87              ICON                    "ICON\\87.ico"	// OPUS - Audio
IDI_ICON88              ICON                    "ICON\\88.ico"	// WEBM - Video
IDI_ICON89              ICON                    "ICON\\89.ico"	// XI - Audio
IDI_ICON90              ICON                    "ICON\\90.ico"	// W64 - Audio
IDI_ICON91              ICON                    "ICON\\91.ico"	// RF64 - Audio
IDI_ICON92              ICON                    "ICON\\92.ico"	// RAW - Audio
IDI_ICON93              ICON                    "ICON\\93.ico"	// CAF - Audio
IDI_ICON94              ICON                    "ICON\\94.ico"	// APL - Audio
IDI_ICON95              ICON                    "ICON\\95.ico"	// MAC - Audio
  • Version information (VERSIONINFO)

Winamp icon library also defines a version-information resource. The data block defined in this way contains the following information:

  • CompanyName - Defines the company or entity that created the icon library
  • FileDescription - Defines the name of the icon library
  • FileVersion - Defines the version of the icon library file
  • InternalName - Defines the internal name of the icon library file
  • LegalCopyright - Defines the copyright of the icon library file
  • LegalTrademarks - Defines the legal trademarks of the icon library file
  • OriginalFilename - Defines the original file name
  • ProductName - Defines the name of the icon pack with which this icon library is distributed
  • ProductVersion - Defines the version of the icon pack file with which this icon library is distributed
  • Comments - Defines additional information about the icon library

You can find below an example of use and definition in a resource script file.

Version Information

#ifdef _DEBUG
    BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
        BLOCK "041504E2"
            VALUE "CompanyName", "Paweł Porwisz"
            VALUE "FileDescription", "Azalea Icon Library"
            VALUE "FileVersion", ""
            VALUE "InternalName", "WinampIconLibrary_Azalea"
            VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Paweł Porwisz"
            VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "Paweł Porwisz"
            VALUE "OriginalFilename", "WinampIconLibrary_Azalea.dll"
            VALUE "ProductName", "Winamp Icon Pack"
            VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
            VALUE "Comments", "Azalea Icon Library (Violet)"
    BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
        VALUE "Translation", 0x415, 1250